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Scher, Eitan A., Ayad, Sabry Complicated Neuraxial Anesthesia in a Patient With Tethered Spinal Cord. Cureus 2021: 13e18705

October 16, 2021

Spinal anesthesia is a common anesthetic used in many surgical procedures. Anatomical variations and diseases make this procedure require extra considerations. Extra care should be taken into consideration in the pre-anesthesia evaluation when neuraxial anesthesia is planned.
We present the case of a patient undergoing cesarean section for the arrest of labor, who had a complicated labor course due to unrecognized history of a tethered spinal cord leading to inadequate analgesia, requiring replacement of epidural analgesia and spinal anesthesia. Ultimately, the decision was made to proceed with general anesthesia due to the patient’s discomfort. Exhaustive chart review after surgery showed a past MRI with evidence of a tethered spinal cord.